This is a story about, amazing. (Opening of Chapter 3)

This is a story about, amazing.

A girl once saw a boy walking by and that is how the story ends, for everything that happened after that moment was already written by a single word: destiny.

Two drops of that something that is the universe held hands as they walked down the lakefront.  The waves created a new shade of sunset filling their shadows.  

That is the last moment of the story and nothing more can be said.  That is how the story ends.

All that had led to that moment, however, is a different story about which much can be said.  Up until that moment when time became irrelevant and the plot of the story became too obvious, the boy was growing just a little older.

He recounts the trees they would climb in childhood, and how, one day, when visiting their childhood homes years later, they saw that some of those same trees were still there, and they saw that some were not. Suddenly, he better understood what it meant to age.

But that is getting too far ahead for now.  He is more grown now, but he was not then.  This story should start back then; so it will.  What follows is a story about amazing.