Any Election is better than No Election when it comes to Chicago’s Schools

We all care about Chicago’s public school system and all of whom it serves.

I believe that right now is our chance to reform CPS into an elected, rather than an appointed, School Board. I do not mean overnight, I only mean this is our chance to build upon the foundation for which so many have fought.

I think we have to take this chance.

Let’s be sure we not only consider the implications of the Elected School Board in today’s Chicago, but let’s consider all implications that will impact all the generations of Chicagos to come.

Some argue that an election will create disarray of contentious debate.

To me, the response is clear: when decisions of our student’s future and the future of their teachers hang in balance, I would rather have representative advocates who debate the consequences of their votes than to be served by un-elected members who push through motions that shutter schools and hurt entire neighborhoods without so much as a roll call vote. No, I would rather there be debate.

That is our foundation, and upon it, I believe we can meet.

I only have the belief that this is right, in policy and morality, and I only have the belief that the answers to these complex questions rest within each of us.

I therefore argue that any elective model is better than no elective model.

This is a complex matter, with compounding questions we can not even fully expect.

We need to start somewhere.

We need to start now.

Let me know your thoughts,

Daniel Steven Kleinman,

Rep from Disney Magnet Elementary


Send me an email:


I have discussed this matter with some of us directly, and we have brainstormed an idea or two, at least to add or participate in the discussion.

A comprise model.

See the Dual Model (2019) here:

and, See the LSC Model (2013) here:

And all LSC Posts:

Let me know your thoughts,

Daniel Steven Kleinman,

Rep from Disney Elementary