Monday’s Walt Disney Magnet Elementary Local School Council: Dan’s Notes

The Council’s meeting on Monday, September 10, began at 5:30PM.

The Agenda focused on budget allocations that accounted for new technology that will allow our school to continue to excel.  These include amazing touch screens that students can interact with and learn through the most engaging ways technology offers today.

During the Principal report, Dr. Hagstrom touched on an item I was hoping to discuss.

A few days before Monday’s meeting, a constituent, a neighbor of Disney in the Buena Park Neighborhood, had raised concern with the traffic patterns, or lack there of, that surround Disney Elem. during drop off and pick up times.

Dr. Hagstrom shared her insight, that was also echoed by the teachers and staff on the council.  

First, Traffic is notably worse at the beginning of the year.  It is expected that new parents not yet used to the area.

Secondly, the School is practicing guiding different grades to different sides of the campus, with lower grades and higher grades divided between the East and West side of the campus (With Clarendon on the West and Marine Drive on the East).

Thirdly, the school has a momentary shortage of support staff due to holdups at central office, the administration of the Chicago Board of Education.  These support staff often help direct traffic.

It is always exciting to represent neighbors, even in this small way.

Neighbors can help me continue to observe the traffic patterns.

I continue to look forward,

