First 200 words: A story about, Amazing

This is not how I wanted this to begin.

He wrote that down and almost crossed it out.  Instead, he left it.

Likely, he will end up repeating it.

The key to writing is to remember all of the clever things you hear or think of throughout the day so that by the end of the day you have a thing or two to write.  That was almost how he wanted that to begin.  Almost.

He would rather begin by typing words like, “Sometimes, the only Saints are those who stand before us,” but again, Almost.

He sat in silence and it annoyed her.  He had no solution.  If he had tried to break the silence, he would have attempted to explain that the exact moment they were in just then reminded him of the exact moment they met.  The lighting was low.  The music could still be heard through the back alley-side door. Their reactions were made of mutual instinct.  Instantaneous.  The drinks had been plenty and it was after several times of making eye contact that most of that was just described was as an instant lie.  They met online.