Tonight’s Walt Disney Magnet Elementary Local School Council: Dan’s Notes

It was a thrill to participate in tonight’s Walt Disney Magnet Elementary Local School Council Meeting, the first of the term!

It is inspiring to meet parents, teachers, and community members who give their time freely just to help foster this amazing school.

Another group that is incredibly passionate about our school is the Walt Disney Magnet School PTA.

The PTA leads amazing efforts, like a Book Fair, supporting buses for field trips, and lending much earned appreciation to our teachers.  It was fitting to support their hard work by voting in favor of their annual budget proposal at tonights LSC meeting.

I am excited to be serving on Disney Magnet’s Local School Council as a Community Representative.

The next meeting is called for Tuesday, September 11, 2018: 5:30 PM

I will be making a request to the Chair that members be invited to join a brief moment of silent reflection before the order of business.