Resolution at Disney LSC: reaching out for partnership regarding parking and dog playing

The suggestion seems to be requesting community dog waste-bag dispenser installations and more neighborhood parking options.

Dear Neighbors,

As Community Representative, I think Disney’s outdoor campus is an asset that the school adds to our neighborhood.

Indeed, I think our neighborhood’s efforts to maintain safety and vibrance also benefits our school.

And Disney has a lot to offer the community, and I think that this also adds to the value of our school.

We have our campus park and we have our parking.

It only makes sense that parking be available to the neighborhood, and I am urging with our LSC and Principal to find a way to implement this through contractual obligations with parking operators.

I am working on this.

Also, parents continue to say and I continue to hear:

I do not have students at Disney (or students in general), but I do not like imagining being one of the small children that slips in dog waste during gym class or recess.

Parents are gathering their feedback on this resolution to be on this upcoming week’s agenda.

I think we can build a bridge here.

The suggestion seems to be requesting community dog-bag waste dispenser installations and more neighborhood parking options.

Feedback welcome:

A Resolution

Whereas, Walt Disney Magnet Elementary offers a unique and unparalleled education and growth experience for its students, and;

Whereas, Disney appreciates the local community and its support in promoting a safe and welcoming space for our students and expresses its appreciation through our ongoing negations to expand community parking options on Disney’s property and our ongoing discussions with CPS and Aldermanic aids in providing sufficient space for pet-friendly recreation, and;

Whereas, pet waste and related litter on the Disney campus has become a growing health risk to Disney students’ clean and safe space that we aim to maintain for their benefit, and;

Whereas, the non-removal of pet-waste by those responsible for their pets’ waste undermines the mutual relationship and partnership being built between Disney and our Neighbors, and; 

Therefore, be it resolved by the Local School Council of Walt Disney Magnet Elementary School that the Chair of said body send the following letter to local Block Club leadership and make public to all local community partners on its website, with this resolution attached:

Dear Neighbors:

Our work together to keep our community safe and vibrant continues to benefit our whole neighborhood, as our shared work improves quality life for local owners, renters, and businesses. 

Walt Disney Magnet Elementary is proud to be a partner in this effort.

We respect that neighbors want a safe and clean place to walk their pets, and we understand the local benefits of this.

But Disney’s campus park is not the place where we can tolerate pet waste, and this diminishment of our campus undermines our shared effort to keep our entire area welcoming and safe.  We must put our students first because that is how we maintain our ability to be the neighbor we wish to be.

We ask you to engage in discussions with us to find a mutual solution, as we open with the suggestion for community maintained waste bag distributors to be installed on the corners across the street from our campus.