Educators before Executives: A Bill

I have had the privilege of serving as a Community Representative on two schools’ Local School Councils. I have seen first hand the skills, talents, and care of those who serve and the amazingly dedicated principals with whom they work.

There are a few (or more) words in the Illinois School Code that have bothered me, and I think correcting some of their literal discrepancy, by building policy based on common agreements, will start paving a path to even greater reforms of the Chicago Public School system and the statutes that govern it.

The School Code currently allows for a business expert to oversee struggling local school councils.

This bill amends that language to provide for an education administration expert instead.


HELP FIND a legislative Sponsor!

CONTACT your state Representative and Senator and tell them of your support!


In the draft, strike through language is deleted, and the language encompassed by <> is added. Here are the operative amendments:


In the event that the

1  chief executive officer of the Chicago School Reform Board

2  of Trustees <Board of Education> determines that a local

3  school council is not carrying out its financial duties

4  effectively, the chief executive officer is authorized to

5  appoint a representative of the business community with

6  experience in finance and management <education community

7  with experience in teaching and administration at an

8  attendance center within the school district> to

9  serve as an advisor to the local school council for the purpose of

10  providing advice and assistance to the local school council

11  on fiscal matters.

Full language and original post linked below: