Disney Magnet: Vote to urge Chicago Public Schools to delay Does Not Pass

Disney Magnet: We urge Chicago Public Schools to delay

I am proud of my work in our council’s sub-committee to offer this resolution before our council as a whole, which it passed through vote at a special session tonight, Friday, January 22, 2021. Unfortunately, the vote was a miss count and was deemed not passing in the minutes of the subsequent meeting.

Thank you,

And I am looking forward,

A Resolution of the Local School Council of Walt Disney Magnet Elementary

on the Matter of Returning to In-Class Learning

WHEREAS we the Elected Representatives of the Disney community express full confidence, respect and pride in our dedicated teachers, staff, and in our Principal and our Administrative Team, and

WHEREAS we are committed to provide the best possible educational experience for our students and their families regardless of their preferred instructional choice during these unprecedented times, and

WHEREAS we understand that our school’s privilege of resources is not one that every school shares in its capacity to reopen, and

WHEREAS we have been disappointed by the lack of timely transparency provided by Chicago Public Schools and the Board of Education, and

WHEREAS we agree that our teachers and staff are front-line workers and in immediate need of vaccination to safely return to work,


BE IT RESOLVED by the Local School Council of Walt Disney Magnet, standing in solidarity with schools across Chicago, we urge Chicago Public Schools and the Board of Education to delay its plan to return to in-person learning in the City of Chicago until such a safer time as vaccination for our front-line workers, the teachers and staff of our schools, which must occur before February 1, 2021, for the benefit of our students and school community; be it that this resolution be made public in expression thereof.