Dear Representative, Thankful for you, and your staff/Imagine the single working parent serving on the Chicago School Board with no staff,

Dear Representative,

I can think of another thing for which I am thankful:

Your staff.

Your legislative aid holds your Springfield office together and your constituent service staff are always sensitive to local needs. 

But now we must act with compassion to the many individuals who will also want to serve their neighbors—

But for whom will lack the means to undertake the democratic endeavor of serving. 

Their office will be dampened because they will not have the staff to manage it.  

The upcoming Chicago school board members will all be volunteers. 

This might be the correct way, but their work will still require full time attention. 

For example, A single and working parent would have invaluable insight to govern the school system. 

Only the vote of the people should hold this parent back.  

But how would a working parent represent over 30 schools if they were without a staff?

That is what HB 5815 does ( /SB 4247/ ).  

HB 5815 mandates that the city not cut the board’s right to its own internal staff but instead the board retains the right to hire its own staff, independently of city hall and its appointees.  

This budget-neutral solution is critical for the early Board to succeed. 

Can you help pass HB 5815 if it indeed comes to vote in Veto? 

City leaders, after their new elections, always feel emboldened to relegate the school system.

You can see the situation.  You can tell our voice is almost heard.  

We could use a vote like yours.

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