Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Chicago School District Article of the School Code. Provides that each member of the Chicago Board of Education shall select a constituent service coordinator, who shall be an employee of the Board but whose employment shall be at the will of the respective Board member.
A common-sense next step for the amazing Elected School Board victory.
If its volunteer membership is overwhelmed, as they are volunteers, the board will struggle.
They need to be assured a paid staff member to be able to do their work!
Assured a paid staff?
Yes. —Because the current school board law only guarantees a board secretary.
As city council and the Mayor of Chicago have shown, an opportunity to hamper the school board is an opportunity taken.
If the law says and only, “a secretary” then that’s what the city council will insist it gets.
How much will it cost the state?
The Employee would be an employee of the Board of Education, just like any other employee of the Board of Education. It would be paid out of the Board of Education’s own operating budget. Just like the secretary. Just like all of the network chiefs. Just like all the staff. Just like the CEO.