An invitation: Let’s meet our neighbors and share our ideas! #Uptown #BlockClub

For too many reasons to count, I feel lucky to live in Uptown; but the biggest reason is simple: the people.

I am thrilled to help begin an outreach effort for my local block club, Lakeside Area Neighbors Association (LANA), that does not only seek new members, but it seeks new ideas as well.  The effort is not just to recruit, the mission is to engage.

We are inviting our neighbors to sign up to attend our end-of-summer cookout by sharing a comment or an idea that can help us work together to make our neighborhood stronger.

If you happen to see me on the block one evening walking with my block club survey sheet, feel free to say Hi, or even better, feel free to share an idea and then join us at our cookout.

Looking forward,


See also:

The New Neighborhood Block Club Manual, 2nd Edition


See also: